Workshop on Deduktionstreffen

Date, Location, Website, Submission

Date: Monday, September 26 09:00 - 17:30 CET
Room: HS 9,
Website , Submission, Program


The annual meeting Deduktionstreffen is the prime activity of the Interest Group for Deduction Systems (FGDedSys) of the German Informatics Society. It is a meeting with a familiar, friendly atmosphere, where everyone interested in deduction can report on their work in an informal setting.

A particular focus of the Deduktionstreffen is on young researchers and students, who are particularly encouraged to present their ongoing research projects to a wider audience. Another goal of the meeting is stimulate networking effects and to foster collaborative research projects.

We welcome contributions on all theoretical, experimental and application aspects of deduction. Accepted abstracts are first presented in teaser talks and then discussed next to a poster.
The Deduktionstreffen will also host the annual general meeting of the members of FGDedSys.

Invited Speakers


Please check the program at the workshop's homepage

Further Information

For more information including the schedule please visit the workshop homepage.